Saturday, September 6, 2008

Chicken Labels

Q: Which came first the chicken or the egg and was it organic
A: Since the FDA owns the term organic, the chicken must have been raised on an inspected and registered organic farm in order to claim its organicity (I may have made this word up ). But since the first chicken predates the FDA by about 6,000 years (depending upon breed) could claim to be organic without fear of being sued (fined) for all its eggs by the FDA. The first egg coming shortly after the first chicken also would have the same issues when the United States in the 1980's passed legislation to regulate (collect money to inspect) farms that claim to be organic. After all who is more trustworthy than the US government. (If you cant tell from my keystrokes I am being sarcastic)
Follow the link below and click on the picture of the uncooked chicken to find out more.

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