Sunday, October 12, 2008

Christian Apologetics

I'm sorry....
I'm sorry...
I'm sorry

As most of you know this is not what christian apologetics is about. In fact you will rarely hear an "I'm sorry" in a religious debate from someone who studies, teaches, or practices the subject.

Christian Apologetics is the art of explaining and defending the christian faith. This can take place in books, debates, personal conversations, and just about anywhere people have a difference of opinion about religion and Christianity.

OK... Why am I boring you to tears with all this anyway. It has become increasingly harder to win people for Christ because they feel that they would lose intellectual credibility based on their decision of faith. While most Christians know this to be false it is a hurdle that sometimes we must get through to make a lasting impression on someone we are witnessing to. People have been trained by Darwinism, Scientology, and several other ism's and ology's that are forced into their brains by the public school systems or at least by a real desire to know "how did I and the world around me come to be". Unfortunately when they asked that question it seemed too simple that God created them and they find themselves fortunate enough to have thousands of arguments prepared for them by the ism/ology thinkers of their day which they will gladly throw at someone if their new found or deep rooted answer to the question of life is threatened.

Most questions are fair enough but when they ask them we as Christians should be prepared to answer. These questions can range from contradictions in the Bible to aliens and are usually asked in a way that takes Christians aback because most likely we never considered the ridiculous notion. At this point you are at a disadvantage because you have no prepared argument to make and you are now on your toes and battling uphill. If you are not skilled in debate or quick thinker you will have an incredibly hard time witnessing to people in this situation.

Lucky for us there are still minds in the Christian camps that are skilled in debate and can take their arguments and break them down. Most arguments are self destructing and you can easily get them out of the way by taking them back to the origin. In example the Big Bang Theory, the origin is an explosion involving all the mass in the universe. So your response could be "Where did the explosion come from?" or "Why would all the mass in the universe be contracted together?". This is a simplified example and but you get the point.

If you have now countered their theories and they still are adamantly opposed to believing in God, they may still not feel that this is an intellectual option and you must get through another hurdle. They are looking for some scientific evidence that God exists. Your response in this case could lead them back to intelligent design. Below are some examples.

This is a window from the Yorkminster cathedral in England. Anyone who would look at this would assume that there was someone who designed it.

This is a cross section of Human DNA.

This is just one example and if your not at your computer you can easily give them an analogy of man that found a watch in the field and wondered how all the pieces came together in that fashion on their own.

This post was made possible by Pastor Kevin who preached on this subject a few months back and readers like you.

This post is not an invitation for debate but a word of encouragement to someone who may be looking for a way to share their faith with someone who has subscribe to these thoughts. Please keep your comments to this format.

Here are some links that may be useful if you would like to know more.
I will add more later but it is late and I am tired.

1 comment:

J. Pike said...

Those picture comparisons are neat! It is true that scientists have no idea how the human fetus knows how to put itself together. Babies/humans really are a miracle to me and I don't use the word miracle often.